by Arwen Rasmussen, Editor/Publisher
There is nothing like eating right out of the garden (or from you farmer’s market table). I know that at our house, the cherry tomatoes don’t make it inside. And most of the cucumbers come into the house with bites out of them thanks to the kids. But seriously, there is nothing better than warm, perfectly ripe food, grown with only sunshine and love. We hope that you’ll find your favorite this season either in your own garden, a road-side stand, or your favorite farmer’s table at the weekend market.
This issue is chock-full of ideas to help you eat local, sustain our community with your purchasing power, and create a working relationship with the foods you eat.
We are also excited to launch our 7th annual Eat Local Challenge. Sign up for the challenge, post your pictures on our Eau So Edible Eat Local Challenge Facebook page for a chance to win BIG prizes like gift certificates to Burrachos’ and Monas, t-shirts and lunch bags, and more. See opposite page for more info on how to enter and win. Thanks to all our local writers who worked so hard to make this issue locally awesome. We enjoyed putting it together and hope you enjoy reading it.
It’s September, so eat up, eat well, and eat local!