by Arwen Rasmussen, Editor/Publisher
Spring is getting closer and I am putting out a call to our readers and asking for your help. Our May/June issue will focus on natural (and ooooooorrrrrrrganic!) gardening, lawn care and growing your own goodies. We want to hear how you do it? Send us your tips, tricks, brands, methods, and secrets to creating a garden that is not only pretty and delicious, but good for the family and the earth too.
Please send all entries to by April 1st, and we’ll put them in the gardening issue, throw them up on our website, and post them to Facebook. Find us at Second Opinion Magazine. Please help us help you, and together we’ll make this the best growing season yet.
We are also excited to announce our venture into the world of podcasts. There are so many wonderful experts and professionals in our area that we felt the need to sit down and chat with them. So visit our website or find us on Facebook and listen to our premier podcast with Hypnotist Richard Marano. It’s entertaining, it’s informative…it’s Wisconsin Wellness.
Namaste and Be Well!