Becoming a parent changes everything. It is a beautiful experience for many mothers—it tugs the heart strings, tests your patience and teaches many lessons. As a mother, wife, sister, grandparent and long-time Reiki healer, I have seen mothers who love their children become emotionally and physically exhausted as they begin to deal with the frustrations in navigating their role of mother/caregiver/wife while working in or outside the home. Let’s be real: mothers have one of the most difficult jobs on the planet. It is a 24/7 life-changing experience whether it is with one child or more. Multitasking becomes their art, but it all takes a toll on mom’s self-care. That’s why many women suffer from postpartum depression, stress, and anxiety after childbirth.
Today we are fortunate to have alternative therapies like Reiki that can help in supporting the body’s natural healing and relaxation processes. Reiki’s comforting energy helps stimulate and enhance the body’s own natural healing abilities. It gently brings the body back into balance and alignment. The deep relaxing nature of Reiki is calming, and it can help reduce the stress response and promote sleep.
Reiki therapy and other energy modalities have become well-known and popular over the years and can help reduce stress and anxiety, especially for new mothers and fathers. In a 2011 study through the University of London, patients underwent two to eight weeks of 30-minute Reiki sessions. The study found those participants that were experiencing high levels of anxiety and depression experienced improvement in mood (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21584234/).
Benefits of Reiki for new mothers include:
- Reducing perceptions of stress - My Reiki clients report the triggers to stress become less of a problem and they are better able to cope. They feel at peace and rested. Stress is one of the key factors that contributes postpartum depression in new moms, and relieving stress could help improve their symptoms.
- Connecting with another (adult) person- New moms suffering with postpartum depression often feel alone and withdrawn, not connected to the people around them. This one-on-one attention may help them feel more present and connected to the world.
- More autonomy - After baby is born, moms can feel as though they have no real control of their lives. Planning and receiving personal sessions allows them to feel more active in their self-care, which can alleviate some of the symptoms they are feeling.
- A chance to really relax - Regular Reiki appointments give mom “me time” to relax and recharge. This is especially helpful to the new mothers who may have depression and feelings of anxiety. With regular Reiki sessions, clients report better mental and physical health, as well as regaining a sense of inner balance and well-being.
If you are curious in learning more about Reiki, or to schedule a session, you can contact me and I would happy to help. Sandi Anderson: www.sandi-anderson.com or 715-456-1391.