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Alternative Chiropractics

by Dr. Allan Lindlsey

Wondering how there can be such a thing as alternative chiropractic? As mainstream health care, alternative medicine, and general understanding of the eastern hemisphere all develop, so do the approaches and practices of medical professionals on our half of the globe.

A growing population of chiropractors practicing Applied Kinesiology is just one example. Applied Kinesiology is best understood as a chiropractic approach to the study of motion. It focuses on helping a person’s body heal itself, not on the treatment or the symptom.

A practitioner in this ideology focuses on finding the root of the problem, recognizing that sometimes a subluxation in the spine is the answer. But that it’s also possible this is just a symptom of a deeper issue. This is why evaluation doesn’t consist only of a scan, x-ray, or spinal exam.

Evaluation includes three parts: structural, organs, and chemicals. Structural analysis entails looking at the functioning of the bones, muscles, and ligaments throughout the body. If the problem is not resolved with chiropractic adjustments, it is a signal that the issue is not structural.

The organs are the next point of concern. The doctor determines where distress is, analyzing the organ reflex points. Bear in mind the organs are connected to each part of the body in much the same way the spine/nerves are.

After determining trouble spots and treating accordingly, if the patient is still suffering from the same symptoms, the chemical balance in the person’s body becomes the focus. Here, again, organ reflex points are evaluated. This is where a background in chemistry comes in – what chemicals, toxins, or other factors are inhibiting the proper functioning of the body?

Essentially, if there is a repeated pattern where the chiropractic adjustment is not holding, I would begin looking at the organs and rebuild in an effort to stabilize the muscle and thus the structure of the body. If the pattern continues, nutrient repair in the body to stabilize its chemistry will be key in helping repair structure.

A ‘traditional’ chiropractor moves bones to free up the nerves – there’s an evaluation and a treatment. Applied Kinesiology goes further, involving muscle testing, evaluation of the integrity of the musco-skeletal system, working to get the receptors and tissues of the body working and functioning properly, and helping each bone, muscle, and ligament function properly. The tone, contraction, and integrity of the muscles and ligaments play a key role in how well the body holds adjustments.

The whole body’s functioning depends on many factors that may be external or internal, though the two are always interconnected.

Applied Kinesiology in a nutshell

Licensed naturopathic doctor and an American College of Nutrition-certified specialist Cathy Wong, ND, CNS, explains Applied Kinesiology in a nutshell: Applied Kinesiology is an alternative medicine diagnostic tool and treatment developed by chiropractor George Goodheart, Jr. forty years ago. It is a strength resistance test based on the link between muscles, glands, and organs. Muscle strength is tested and the strength of the muscle is believed to be related to the health of the organ or area of the body being tested. It is based on the philosophies of other holistic therapies, including osteopathy, chiropractic, meridian therapy, and physical manipulation.

Local Applied Kinesiology Chiropractors

Lindsley Chiropractic and Wellness 2004 Highland Avenue, # O, Eau Claire – 715.832.8414

Sommerfeld’s Chiropractic Health Care 6 W Saint Patrick St, Rice Lake, WI – 715.234.4222

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