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The Benefits of Breast Thermography

By Joyce Sobotta

Breast thermography offers the opportunity to detect breast disease earlier than has been possible through breast self-examination, doctor examination, or mammography alone. Breast thermography offers women a valuable imaging tool they can add to their regular breast health check-ups beginning with baseline imaging at age twenty.

Cancer cells can be found in our bodies anywhere. Why do they grow and develop in some people and not in others? It’s an accumulation of factors. All disease grows in an acidic, congested environment. Mental, emotional, and physical stress all contribute to an unhealthy immune system. Stress acidifies the body and contributes to shallow breathing and low oxygen in the body. To help eliminate mind and body stress, take time to rest, exercise, meditate, be grateful, and get quality sleep every day.

Popular Screening Methods Three popular screening methods aimed at early detection for breast cancer are:

Mammogram – A mammogram uses radiation to detect the internal anatomical structure of the breast and can miss 40-50 percent of breast cancers in women with dense breasts.

Breast Ultrasound – This method uses sound waves to create a picture of the tissues inside the breast. It can show all areas of the breast, including the area closest to the chest wall, which is hard to study with a mammogram. An ultrasound is often used to check abnormal results from a thermogram or mammogram.

Breast Thermography – This digital infrared picture reveals heat and vascular patterns of breast tissue. These patterns change when a breast tumor starts to grow. Breast-cancer cells require new blood vessels to feed them nutrients and oxygen. They grow in abnormal patterns, and they generate increased heat that is detectable by thermography.

A thermography scan can detect subtle physiological changes whether it is cancer, fibrocystic disease, an infection, or vascular disease. It can be used as a tool to monitor breast health and can show a reduction in vascular activity with simple dietary changes, lymphatic breast self-massage, exercise, and stress reduction at all levels. For women who don’t wish to have mammograms, it’s a great option.

Thermography, with its ability to assess risk and monitor breast health, leads to perhaps the most important point that’s never mentioned, which is that breast cancer risk is largely modifiable. Only 10-15 percent of breast cancer cases have any genetic component, which means that 85-90 percent of risk has to do with other factors … diet, stress, and environmental factors being among the most important. A recent study published by the American Journal of Radiology concluded that thermography could help prevent most unnecessary breast biopsies.

Women Do Have a Choice Dr. Thomas Hudson, a physician, radiologist, and breast imaging specialist, says pseudo-cancers, “cancers that would not cause harm during a lifetime,” tend to get treated through aggressive means such as repeated mammography scans, undue biopsies, and often double-breast mastectomies. Out of fear, and without more information, too many women choose these options. Dr. Hudson says what a person eats, along with how she feels and thinks, affects her health more than one might expect. There are simple, reasonable steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer or to improve chances of recovery if there is already a diagnosis.

For more information, including a FREE PDF of “The Nine Steps to Natural Breast Health,” visit Joyce Sobotta’s website

Joyce Sobotta is founder/owner of an international business renowned for Healthy Girls Breast Oil — a unique essential oil blend for breast health. Joyce offers consultations, webinars, and presentations to empower women with knowledge and preventive action to free them from the fear of breast cancer. Joyce creates her own formulations using 100 percent pure, authentic essential oils.

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