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Green Pages » Mar./Apr. ‘14

Camp Memories Begin Here

Wisconsin Farmers Union’s Kamp Kenwood is located along beautiful Lake Wissota near Chippewa Falls, making it the ideal spot for youth from all across the Midwest to come together, have fun, and learn.

The camp, built in the 1940s, was the vision of Wisconsin Farmers Union President Ken Hones who advocated for leadership training for farm boys and girls, believing that education was the cornerstone of a better future for rural communities. Farmers Union members from across the state donated time and treasure to build a summer camp where youth could come together to have fun and learn. Named after the visionary who inspired this work, Kamp Kenwood’s 23 acres feature rustic cabins, hiking trails, sandy beaches, and a dining/activities lodge. Generations of families have spent time each summer at Kamp Kenwood.

Kamp Kenwood is not just for farm kids. All children are welcome. Our affordable overnight camps are for young people from rural and urban areas to enjoy a summer camp program with a focus on cooperation and leadership. Kamp Kenwood is a great place to make friends, have fun, and learn about cooperation, family farms, social justice, leadership, and sustainability.  Activities include hiking, campfires, swimming, sports, singing, and drama, speakers, workshops, co-op games, theme nights, and arts and crafts.

Just as they have for generations, Wisconsin Farmers Union Summer Youth Camps promise a summer experience that kids won’t forget!

We hope you’ll join us this year!

For camp dates, rates, and more information, visit or call 800-272-5531.

Young Farmers Camp: Connecting Children to Their Food

How many times have you coaxed, bribed, or attempted to sneak more vegetables into your family’s diet? There is an easier way to entice appetites toward healthier choices. Develop a connection to your food. Through a series of workshops designed for children ages 8–11, Katydid Ranch, near Fall Creek, Wisconsin, is connecting children to the food they eat and making eating vegetables fun. Budding young farmers will explore their relationship to food and nature while planting seeds, preparing soil, caring for animals, and learning basic cooking skills.

Whitney Coleman, owner of Katydid Ranch and author of Plant Grow Eat Thrive: Connecting Families to Their Food (release date June 2014), says her passion to teach healthy agricultural practices was sparked twenty years ago as a Peace Corps volunteer in Africa. “I saw an incredible transformation in students who, for the first time, felt confident in their knowledge and skills growing the food that would eventually feed their families. The benefits of connecting to your food source are universal.”

Multiple studies support the benefits of this type of program. The Journal of the American Dietetic Association reported higher levels of vegetable consumption, vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber intake in children receiving nutrition education through a school gardening program compared to those receiving classroom-only education (Volume 107, Issue 4, 662–665, “Garden-Based Nutrition Education Affects Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Sixth-Grade Adolescents”). Whitney says, “Gardening is also a great physical activity, builds confidence, and teaches useful skills.”

The workshop series begins Saturday, April 12 with a Planting Party and continues through August. To enroll your child in this educational and transformative experience, visit and click on YOUNG FARMERS.

Voyaging Vet & Tech Services (VVTS)

Voyaging Vet & Tech Services (VVTS) is a doctor of veterinary medicine and certified veterinary technician team that is bringing back the old fashioned “house call.” Dr. Erin Weiss and Patrice Anderson, CVT, operate a mobile, small animal veterinary practice that provides veterinary care where your pet is most comfortable, in YOUR HOME! Having VVTS come to your house means less stress for you and your pet—and you save on gas, too! Our services include wellness exams, vaccinations, blood testing, hospice care, and home euthanasia. We also offer puppy and kitten packages for your new little one, and a Friendly Neighbor Discount for people scheduling appointments for the same day their neighbor does! Voyaging Vet & Tech Services strives to provide the personal touch and the highest quality veterinary care, based on what YOUR individual needs are. During our appointments, Dr. Erin and Patrice take the time to find out about you and your pet. They will work WITH you to decide what is the best medical plan.  Voyaging Vet & Tech Services will make every effort to make your pet’s veterinary care as pleasant as it can be. Give us a call at 715-861-4676!

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