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Get the Skinny on Cholesterol

Every cell in the human body has the ability to make cholesterol. In fact, without this organic compound our cells would die. So, why is there so much confusion about cholesterol? Listed below are some common cholesterol myths with the facts of the matter unveiled truthfully.

Cholesterol Myths

(from The Cholesterol Myths by Uffe Ravnskov)

Cholesterol is a deadly poison. Truth: Cholesterol is vital to the cells of all mammals.

High cholesterol promotes heart disease. Truth: There is no such thing as bad or good cholesterol. High cholesterol levels may reflect an unhealthy condition or be totally innocent.

Animal fat raises cholesterol. Truth: There is no evidence to prove this.

The only way to lower cholesterol is with drugs. Truth: Mortality has not improved with prescription drug use. In fact, these drugs have dangerous side-effects and will ultimately shorten your lifespan.

Cholesterol-lowering statins prevent cardiovascular disease. Truth: One could argue the truth of this statement for a variety of reasons, but it isn’t as well known that these drugs also stimulate cancer in rodents.

Treating Cholesterol Is Not the Answer

Dr. Dwight Lundell whole-heartedly agrees with the above truths. In fact, after twenty-five years of medical practice as a heart surgeon, he believes that cholesterols are NOT causing heart disease. In the article listed below, he speaks out on how cholesterol-lowering medications and unnatural diets are actually the main culprits causing heart disease.

Here is a brief synopsis of his article “Heart Surgeon Speaks Out on What Really Causes Heart Disease” released in March of 2012:

Cholesterol accumulates in the body because inflammation causes the cholesterol to become trapped. Natural inflammation does occur as the body’s defense to foreign invaders, like bacteria, toxins, and viruses. This is a perfect system within our natural creation. However, chronically exposing the body to injury by toxins—foods the human body was never designed to process—creates chronic inflammation.

The biggest causes of chronic inflammation are: simple, highly processed carbohydrates (sugar, flour, and ALL the products made from them) the excess consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils (soybean, corn, and sunflower found in many processed foods) “low-fat” diets.

For over sixty years, these kind of foods have become staples in our households because of their long shelf-life and tempting taste, but they are slowly poisoning everyone. The more we eat processed foods, the more we cause chronic inflammation within our bodies. The human body just was not designed to, nor can it, process foods packed with sugars and soaked in omega-6 oils.

To reduce chronic inflammation, eat foods that are closer to their natural state, like foods your grandmother used to make, not the foods your mother bought in the grocery store. Eat more protein and animal fats. Choose colorful fruits and vegetables. Eliminate corn and soybean oils completely. You can still, and will, reduce years of damage to your arteries by following the above simple truths.

Fat Myths

The real issue is not whether you should eat fats, but what kind of fat you should eat. Hydrogenated or trans-fats (bad) are deadly inside the human body. They clog up your arteries and damage your circulatory system. Good fats (unsaturated), such as flax and marine lipids, help to balance bad fats and provide for necessary body functions. Fat protects your heart and brain, and it also provides stable energy production. Fat is necessary for your body to perform at its peak! Good fats are even used to produce essential hormones.

Check out this book: Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill by Udo Eramus.

Heart-Healthy Foods

Butter! Feel free to enjoy it again!

Fatty Fishes. In particular, eat saltwater fishes, such as salmon and sardines. The fats in these fish are predominately healthy and have been directly linked to reduce some heart conditions.

Oats. This remarkable whole grain is the best provider of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has the ability to absorb cholesterol in the digestive tract before it settles into the blood stream.

Dark Chocolate (made of at least 60 percent cocoa) contains a high amount a compound that reduces blood pressure, clotting, and inflammation. Yes, you have permission to eat dark chocolate in moderation.

Berries. Raspberries and strawberries are both directly linked to improving cardiovascular health by dilating blood vessels and reducing blood pressure.

Citrus fruits. Oranges and lemons have been connected to reducing causes of strokes. More importantly, they pack a high punch of natural Vitamin C!

Virgin olive oil. Regular consumption of this oil, and olives, has proven to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels because of their high level of monounsaturated fats.

Red wine. Within moderation red wine is heart healthy because it has a component that relaxes the walls of the blood vessels causing them to dilate.

Nutrition response testing is a non-invasive method of analyzing the body to determine the patient’s imbalance (nutritional deficiencies) and finding the root cause, so it can be corrected naturally with whole food supplements. Can the hopelessness of “heartache” be reversed?

As a practitioner, he believes there IS hope for help without using harsh, destructive medications. The human body is designed to work to heal itself naturally. Sometimes, it can be as simple as eliminating those harmful foods listed above. Taking whole-food dietary supplements has proven to help the heart work more efficiently. As a naturopath, Dr. Court’s goal is to enable each patient’s own internal intelligence to heal itself by implementing a clinically designed, yet very personalized program that revolves around your body’s unique needs, stressors, and deficiencies.

So, ultimately, Dr. Court’s answer: Yes, most definitely! Using organic, concentrated, whole-food supplements will rescue your body along with incorporating a new eating lifestyle which involves a common-sense approach to eating whole foods permanently. It is really not that hard to reverse the body’s aging effects if you give it the nutrition it needs to function properly.

“But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” ~Proverbs 15:15

Dr. Michael J. Court is a local naturopath and wellness consultant with locations in both Chippewa Falls and Altoona. He has completed an extensive training program in advanced clinical nutrition, which involved nutrition response testing. He treats all ranges of patients for nutritional deficiencies.

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