By: Dana Bauer
As the balmy spring weather draws residents out of their homes and into their yards, gardens, and woodland retreats, a nuisance lurks that has become a more prevalent problem than ever before. As a resident of northwestern Wisconsin, chances are you have either had Lyme disease or you know someone who has had it. Treatment commonly involves a round of oral antibiotics. However, many patients have lingering symptoms, even after medical treatment.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Approximately 10 to 20 percent of patients (particularly those who were diagnosed later), who received appropriate antibiotic treatment, may have persistent or recurrent symptoms and are considered to have post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS).”1 For those patients, there are alternative treatments that can help with ongoing pain, inflammation, sleep disturbance, and other symptoms related to PTLDS.
Lyme disease and related co-infections are complex, and treatment needs to include an array of therapies for the maximum effectiveness. Dr. Laura Bertram of Gateway Chiropractic in Eau Claire knows the effects of Lyme disease and its related complications first hand. When she had Babesia—a co-infection of Lyme disease—and one of her children had Lyme disease, she sought treatment from colleague, Dr. Allan Lindsley.
“It was life-changing for myself,” Dr. Bertram said. “I was becoming debilitated and couldn’t do my job.”
After experiencing healing from Lyme disease without the use of antibiotics, she said she decided to begin offering the same type of treatment in her practice. With mentoring from Dr. Lindsley, she has helped many clients experience relief from Lyme-related symptoms and return to full health. She said the treatment is all herbal and plant based. Patients take herbal tinctures (liquids) that are formulated specific to the testing she does in-office to determine the right blend.
Many practitioners also use microcurrent therapy for patients with Lyme disease. This treatment that has been proven effective in pain-reduction, detoxification, reducing inflammation, and improving sleep patterns for patients with Lyme disease.
How Does Microcurrent Therapy Work?
Whether you know it or not, you have electricity in your body. We tend to be nutrition depleted and poorly hydrated, which means we don’t have the ability to recharge our bodies the way we should. The painless current from microcurrent treatment sends electricity into the body to flush out inflammation or pa in an area by establishing balanced energy through recharging. It is like putting a rechargeable battery back on the charger.
Electrical pads are placed onto specific sites on the bod, and the device emits small electrical currents with frequencies that match the frequency of the specific bacterium. By promoting the body’s natural healing and recharging the immune system, the treatment helps to fight the bacteria and restore balance ad wellness.
At the Pain Therapy Center of Eau Claire, we provide microcurrent therapy as a companion to the herbal treatment clients receive from their other holistic care providers. The computerized equipment we use at The Pain Therapy Center allows us to non-invasively target sensitive areas of the body, such as the brain and digestive tract, where viruses like to hang out.
How Long Should I Be Treated?
Treatment varies depending on how long someone has had the Lyme bacteria in their body and the prevalence their symptoms. Dr. Bertram said some patients have been given the impression, “It’s all in your head. There’s nothing wrong with you.” Often clients seek alternative treatment after they have exhausted all other avenues, which means they have lived with symptoms for some time. Those who seek treatment as soon as they suspect a possible Lyme infection will likely need a much shorter course of treatment.
Some clients use traditional antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease and use microcurrent therapy and herbal treatment along with it. Others opt for only the alternative approach. For patients who have been treated with antibiotics and still feel the physical effects of Lyme disease, microcurrent therapy offers hope for relief.
Whichever route you choose for treatment, the best plan is one that includes the cooperation of professionals to bring you the therapy that leads to restoration of your health.
Dana Bauer is the owner of The Pain Therapy Center of Eau Claire. She is a certified electo-toxicologist, trained by the Thorp Institute of Integrated Medicine, and a board-certified chiopractic technician